MORE ABOUT T’AI CHI CHIH – “We know that the faithful practice of the TCC form begins its work of transformation on all levels of one’s being – body, mind, and spirit. This includes the cellular level, with every “cell singing with joy.” – Sr. Antonia Cooper, OSF, TCC Guide. Vital Force Journal—February 2013.

What is the meaning of T’ai Chi Chih ® TCC means Knowledge of the Supreme Ultimate and is a moving meditation that activates, circulates, and balances Chi energy. TCC is rooted in ancient Yin/Yang principles and Qi Gong concepts. Justin Stone, the originator, first taught it in 1974. For Stone T’ai Chi Chih is a Service to Humanity. It is a Form of LOVE

Exactly what is Chi? Chi is thought of as the circulating life energy that is found in all Beings. There is Yin Chi (female/earth) energy and Yang Chi (male/heaven) energy. The two as a whole are the Cosmic/Universal Energy that is All Present. Balance between the two energies is to be desired and maintained. We ourselves often disrupt this energy flow by our Life choices and habits. When energy is blocked in any of the energy channels of the body, the result is stress, inflammation, a dis-ease, or an illness—a lack of balance.

The practice of TCC can lead to positive health change, a re-balancing in body systems. A few examples

  • Better sleep quality
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Release of stress, depression

  • Stronger bone structure
  • Serenity
  • Replacing poor personal habits with good habits

What is the difference between Tai Chi & Tai Chi Chih? Well, TCC is a non-martial art form. It is composed of 19 easy-to-learn movements plus one pose. The simple movements are done slowly and gently, softly in circular fashion, standing or seated. A student can learn basic TCC in about 10-12 hours. No special clothing or equipment is required, and it is suitable for most all ages and physical abilities.

How do I find a teacher? The best resource is where you can find a teacher by name or location, nationally and internationally.